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Rahul Gandhi was born on june 19th,1970 in New Delhi. As per the Sayna Astrology Rahul's Lagna is Gemini. Sun is placed in his lagna. Moon is in his 7th house and the distance between Sun and Moon is 180 degrees. He was born on full moon day, which is considered very auspicious. In any horoscope if Sun and Moon are well placed they will shine and see success in life. As he is having Sun in lagna, Moon in 7th, 7th lord Jupiter is having good aspects with Sun and Moon.He came to limelight in central politics in his early age.

If  anyone aspires to shine in politics, Sun, Jupiter and Mars should be in good positions in his horoscope. In Rahul's horoscope 7th lord Jupiter is in retrograde motion. Sun and Mars are in conjunction. Because of these two adverse aspects, though he is close to power, he could not get the Fortunately, Jupiter who is in retrograde motion in his natal horoscope is now in direct motion. This is giving him good chances in politics. Lagna lord Mercury is in lagna and is in very good position with 9th lord Uranus. 10th house from our lagna is important to get power either in politics or in Government. His 10th house is in very good aspect with Saturn. These three positive aspects are always keeping him in a strong position in Delhi Darbar.

Rahul faced big humiliation in recent UP Assembly elections. He tried to bring a big win for Congress party, but has seen utter failure.The reason is, Rahul's progressed moon is traveling in his 12th house. When progressed moon is traveling in our 12th house, we may face lot of difficulties, insults, failures and deceptions. Rahuls progressed Moon joined Mars in his horoscope during March-April 2012. These are the reasons for his failure in U.P Assembly elections.

If Sonia proposes Rahul as next Prime Minister, there may not be much opposition, at least from congress party. Rahul's planetary position is very good from September 2012. November 2012, January, March, June 2013 are very good months as per his horoscope. Due to this positive planetary positions he will take part in major decisions and get appreciations from all fronts. By second half of 2013 he will come out of the negative image which he got from failure in U.P. elections.

He is likely to take crucial part in coming 2014 Parliamentary elections. Congress party may try to play Young Leadership card to attract the Indian youth, who will play a crucial role in general elections. But in Rahul's horoscope the progressed Moon which is traveling in his 12th house, will be there till Sept 2014. This creates big hurdles for him to become next prime minister of India. Along with this,the first half of 2014 is not at all looking good for Rahul Gandhi. So, disappointment is in waiting for Rahul in the coming general elections. There is a major adverse aspect i.e. Sun - Mars are joining around Dec 2014. This aspect will have influence from October month onwards. Due to this he may take wrong decisions. Separations from his UPA alliance parties may cause him heavy loss. If he crosses the 2014 hurdle, his planetary position is very good from 2016 onwards.

As per the Star teller.. Rahul needs to wait till 2019 to become P.M of India!
