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BORN ON 2-9-1967 10 PM BAPATLA.

With Taurus lagna and most of the planets clustered in 5th house making good aspect with the planets in 7th house is the best part of his chart. The fifth house is for artistic talents, sports, love affairs, creativity etc., and the clustering of majority of the planets in the 5th house had given him a boost for his film career. His first lord Venus is also in 5th house indicating that his life's aim is art and sports.

place :BAPATLA         Lat:015-54 N   Long:080-23 E   Sun sign:VIRGO


Ayanamsa : 23D:24M      Sidereal time : 20H:36M:3S

                     M.C  11 03 SATr  8 40            LAG  20 21
                    |-11-  9 52|-12- 13 08|LAG  16 23|- 2- 13 08|
                    |          |SATr 11 09|RAH   0 21|          |
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                    |          |          |          |          |
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                    |M.C   6 37|                     |- 3-  9 52|         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |          |                     |          |         
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                    ------------  SAYANA RASI CHART  ------------
                    |- 9-  9 52|                     |- 4-  6 37|JUP  27 47
                    |          |                     |MOO  15 16|         
                    |          |                     |JUP  20 57|         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |          |                     |          |         
                    |- 8- 13 08|- 7- 16 23|- 6- 13 08|- 5-  9 52|
                    |          |MAR  25 15|          |SUN   9 31|
                    |          |NEP  21 49|          |MER  17 53|
                    |          |KET   0 21|          |VENr  3 32|
                    |          |          |          |URN  23 48|
                    |          |          |          |PLU  19 59|
                     MAR  18 11 MOO  22 36 SUN  12 44 VEN   2 17
                                MER   7 50            URN  25 55
                                NEP  22 37            PLU  21 13

Unfortunately the first lord Venus was retrograde at birth gives him certain deviated thinking perhaps related to Venus ruled subjects. Since then in progression it became direct giving him a turning point to his artistic career. 11th lord Neptune represents his elder brothers occupying 7th house is the contributory factor for his popularity in the field. Mars is strong in its own sign occupying the 7th house, the house for partners and spousal matters . Moon a significator for spouse is afflicted by the Mars in 7th indicating the marital and family life will not be smooth. Compensating this the clustering of planets in 5th house gives him every scope for enjoyment of love life.

Uranus the 10th lord in 5th is indicative of his profession linked to 5th house, the house for artistic activity. The same Uranus is making a good aspect with Mars and Sun in 5th house also gives him a boost for his sports career if any. As we understand he is good at martial arts. When Moon entered 5th house gave him an entry into film field around 1995. In the early days of his career Moon squared with progressed Mars and perhaps a cause for early setbacks in the field. During the same time Sun was also opposing Saturn causing hurdles and setbacks in the early career. But when moon progressed further to the Sextile of Neptune and later to the conjunction of Uranus and to the sextile of Mars boosted his image in the film field.

As moon's conjunction Sun and opposition to Saturn crossed and made a good aspect with progressed Mars and subsequently with Natal Moon and Jupiter gave him a lift to his career around 1998. In December 2001 Moon conjuncts Mars and Sextiles Uranus may every likely give a twist to his career as both the planets represents energy, harsh, and haste unlike Venus a planet of glamour. Possibility the type of roles he may play in the movies may change.

After two and half years from now i.e. around March 2004 Moon progresses to the square of Uranus from 8th house and may likely cause accident or ill health and/or in a new venture he may suffer speculative losses. Any way he needs to take every care during that period.