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On 20TH April 1951 said to have born at 11.30 a.m. at Chandragiri with Sayana Karkataka Lagna with lagna lord Moon in third house squared by Uranus the 8th lord indicating an accident prone life.

The best positions are 6th lord Jupiter in 9th house that says a career linked legal/legislature and an exalted Sun in tenth house confirming governmental position. Both have done their due by getting him elected to Assembly and giving chief Minister position. 

Today's mine blast causing collarbone fracture is not reflected in the current year's aspects if birth time taken at 11.30a.m. and it needs a correction to 11.50 a.m. which answers today's event with progressed lagna squared by progressed Mars. As Moon his first lord is in sextile to natal Uranus, trine to natal Mars, and trine to natal Mercury protecting him from life danger. God saved him. 

When moon further progresses to 15 degrees in Virgo it squares with progressed Mars some time April/May 2004 and thereafter it squares progressed Sun around October 2004 and both the times there is no protection. Moon and Mars at birth are in adverse position of 150 degrees inconjunction. And hence more care is needed at that time in journeys as moon is progressing in third house and caution with his close associates as disputes and quarrels are likely, and also if elections come during that time, likely negative results may be encountered. Further when moon progresses to 25 degrees it joins with Saturn causing humiliating circumstances also i.e. around February 2005. 

Anyway the coming period of two years is not that favourable to him and needs maximum restraint and planning & action. 

As moon progresses to the conjunction of natal moon during last quarter of 2005 it triggers the natal adverse angle with Uranus which period is much worse giving unexpected and sudden adverse results. This period warrants utmost care in travel and separations with close associates.